Our industry is the second largest polluter in the world. Not only are we contaminating our planet and jeopardizing a safe and greener future, the industry is one of the main reasons behind poor and unfair working conditions for millions of people.


In the shoe and clothing industry, it is standard procedure to apply toxic chemicals in production. These chemicals not only have an impact on the environment, but are also detrimental to our health.

From the moment our children are born, over 200 chemicals course through their veins every day. They breathe, absorb and digest chemicals where they eat, live, learn and play.

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At Petit Nord, we have made the conscious decision to produce and source all our materials in Europe. We believe in supporting small family-run workshops, where craftsmanship, tradition, and passion for the trade is embedded deeply in the family’s roots. Our shoes are hand-made in four different family-run workshops in Portugal.


We have a responsibility to protect ourselves and our children from the overexposure of toxic chemicals we are confronted with every day. This journey has just started, and we have so much more to achieve.

We are on a continuous quest to pursue less harmful production processes and wish to expand our collection with even more environmentally friendly materials – eventually solely promoting 100% ecological footwear and clothing.

We are happy to have begun this process, as it just makes so much more sense to us.

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